Addmission Registration Form

S.D. Institute of Management and Technology

(Affiliated to Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra & Approved by AICTE, New Delhi)


Message From the Desk of Director

Dr. Shelly Gupta

The choices you make, the doors you elect to open, now and in the next few short years, will have a profound impact on the entire direction of your adult life. As the pace of change and progress quickens, we have a single passion: the provision of eyery possible resource and opportunity to mould graduates who have every right to be confident because they are superbly informed, independent minded and innovative to the core.

As you consider where to go for higher education 1 invite you ta discover for yourself the multidimensional and transformative educational experience that SDIMT provides. It is renowned for teaching excellence and setting exemplary engagement with the societal needs. The college provides an environment that allows the students to realize their potential in full and to develop their individuality and skills through an education that is backed by cutting edge research. Our faculties excel in the range and quality of our cutting edge programmes, covering the entire spectrum.

I look forward to welcome you to be the part of SDIMT where you will not only find the learning experience enjoyable and rewarding but you would also grow as an excellent professional who have both insights into specialized knowledge as well a strong leadership abilities to become a leader of the 21 century.